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[E] oxmex
[E] oxmex
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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They are on a hill, at the territory of NCC. The coordinates are - 1336, 11048, 86. The items in the chest should be all which were stolen. My friend Aragonr also nows were they are, you can ask him. I know that im responsible for my account and i promise it wont happen again.
over 13 years ago
Yes he stole from the chests, but he cant speak english very well and did not know that it is forbidden. However, i know where the items are and i would like to give them back to the owner. I hope we can clear this an i am totally sorry for what happened and i promise it wont happen again. Please answer me.
over 13 years ago
I know where the items are, my brother tell me in which chest he stored the items.
over 13 years ago
Username: oxmex When you were banned : 17/04/12 Person who banned you: I dont know Reason you were banned: My little brother and me USED the same account, he logged in in minetown and walk to a house nearby spawn and grief one chest. Im so sorry and i know that much people say: My brother/sister do that! But its the true. Im so sorry and ill give all the items back. Please let me back on.
over 13 years ago
I have to share my minecraft account (oxmex) with my little brother, because we dont have much money, and my mom doent want that we have 2 minecraft accounts, because we have only one pc, and its to much money for us <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>. So yesterday when i was by my girlfriend, my brother logged in in minetown, and went to a house nearby spawn, he tooked all the stuff from the chests, and dont took them back, i didnt know from his grief-tour and today i logged in, and i read: You stealing from Chests. I ask my brother if he steal the things... and he agree, so please, unban me, because i dont do grief... im very sorry and i change my password, and my mom say thats ok. now its only my account, so please unban me. Sorry oxmex
over 13 years ago